Aboriginal Cross I

Building/Location: DeBartolo Classroom Building
Room/Placement: 149
Region: Australia and Oceania
Origin: Australia
Artist Name: Theresa Ardler
Acquisition Year: 2019

This cross, donated by the Office of the Vice President at Australian Catholic University, was created in 2019 by Theresa Ardler, who is a Gweagal Aboriginal woman of the Eora region in Australia and a scholar at ACU. Of this design, Theresa says the following: 

"The Aboriginal Cross depicts our beautiful land 'Mother Earth' and how we all across it every day. The different areas of yellow and black dots signify the different landforms we cross every day. They are sand and rok, which all lead to the center circle being the sacred water hole and ceremonial ground. The white and brown dots around the waterhole and ceremonial ground are our Elders. At this special place is where we connect with our Murrangbungutta, our First Ancestors."

A second crucifix by Ardler can be found in 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall. 

Learn more about Theresa's work on her Instagram page.

Additional Photos

  • Ardler Aboriginal Cross 2 1
  • Debartolo Rm 149 Pic 2